Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Entries from the Top 100: Woods of Ypres- "Keeper of the Ledger"

Location: 50’s

One of the top tracks off my favorite Woods album, Woods V: Grey Skies and Electric Light (“Travelling Alone” also features somewhere in the middle of the 100). Top to bottom the strongest of Woods’ albums, 5 contains little filler. Toning down the black metal gives room for David Gold to showcase his strong clean vocals, and on this track he employs his own version of the “beauty and the beast” vocal approach common to gothic metal. Gold’s lyrics are as sharp as ever, continuing his Camus-like philosophy of being pessimistic but never defeatist. Throw in a terrific solo halfway through and a barnstorming end and you’ve got one of the best midpaced metal songs of the decade.